High Achievement's Health Toll
As an ER physician, I've witnessed the consequences of delayed self-care from both sides of the stretcher. In this article, I share three essential strategies for high-achieving women: making health appointments non-negotiable, reframing rest as a productivity tool, and building your personal board of directors for wellbeing.
Understanding the Connection between your Sleep, Hormones, and Menstrual Cycle
The power in understanding the inner workings of your body allows you to navigate your day to day life armed with knowing how to work with your menstrual cycle and your hormones to create a healthy intentional lifestyle.
Practical Tips for Better Sleep
From restless nights to restful ones, you are truly transforming your health. By understanding and implementing effective sleep strategies, you can sync your sleep-wake cycle, create a calming bedtime routine, and optimize your sleep environment.
Understanding Sleep For Better Health Part 1
Sleep is not a luxury; it's a fundamental pillar of health and longevity. Learn why sleep is essential, understand the different stages of sleep, and alcohol's impact on sleep in the blog.
Understanding the Importance of Estrogen in Perimenopause & Menopause
Discover the crucial role of estrogen in women's health through perimenopause and menopause. Learn its effects on mood, metabolism, fertility, and more with expert tips to manage estrogen decline and empower your well-being.